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Rosh Chodesh Gathering/ Hallel

Come and join us for a unique opportunity to celebrate Rosh Chodesh (new moon). We will be singing the tefillah (Psalms) accompanied by harp, piano, guitar and percussion. (Please feel free to bring your own percussion instruments). Renew your neshama (soul) by short Divrei Torah (Torah Class) on the inner essence of the month or by an inspiring Chassidic tale.

"The closer we get to the time of redemption, the more women will celebrate Rosh Chodesh"
-Rav Tsadok HaCohen of Lublin

Inviting You to partake in an inspirational journey through song & Chasidic Jewish tales.


Concert Performance
Wings of the Spirit concerts are presented by  Tirtza Singer, from Jerusalem. Tirtza's lilting soprano voice is beautifully accompanied with her lyric playing of the piano & harp offset by deep drum rhythms. 

This unique musical experience offers excellent fundraising opportunities for the charity of your choice!


Come Home Workshop: A Soul Journey
To come home is one of our greatest  yearnings, to tend our inner garden, to come home to ourselves,  to  a place of joy, clarity and peace.

Opening the heart through song, story and Jewish meditation. Angelic harp tones will enhance creative visualizations. Drum improvisations will ground, elevate and connect the physical to the spiritual. 


There are several options available:
1) a three hour healing workshop  morning or afternoon
2) a  day retreat, 10.00am  - 4.30pm (evening concert optional)
3) for  ONE OR TWO days of renewal in a beautiful home & garden  nestled in the Ramot forest, in Jerusalem
(any or all of these are available in Ramot, Jerusalem or in your community)


Our program:


a)  meditations & visualizations based on jewish sources that will allow us to touch a deeper place of awareness within ourselves, enhanced by the harp.
Jewish meditation is an ancient tradition. Many Jewish sages claim to have reached the high spiritual heights that they did through meditation. Jewish meditation illuminates Jewish thought, inspires Jewish practice, and elevates Jewish prayer. Though meditation is at the heart of Jewish prayer, study, and the performance of Jewish ritual, meditation is also a separate spiritual practice in its own right. 


b)  Bio-energetic exercise, (based on the work of  Dr Alexander Lowen) working with the energy patterns in the body, through breathing, stretching, grounding   and self massage,  bio-energetics   harmonizes the relationship between body and mind.


c)  Writing:  putting pen to paper can be a powerful tool  to help us let go of what we don't need, and open ourselves up to healthy   beginnings.   


d) Storytelling as a  channel for personal healing: 

Telling the stories of our lives opens a window into our souls. Through telling stories we can experience a healing of past hurts, and  achieve a new understanding of our lives.


 e)  Singing your soul's story :  using spontaneous sound and song  we can explore the deep wellsprings of spiritual ecstasy.   Using  chanting, niggun, (melody without words , drumming, movement & improvisation we can reconnect with our creative core. 


f)  Group dancing

We want to bring you  to a place of  profound healing,  and invite you to join us  to  open  the wellsprings of  healing, awakening compassion  with loving boundaries.


© 2015 Rachel Singer Designs

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